Thursday, March 31, 2011

And Now For Something Completely Different..

I have been fairly neglectful of this blog for the last month or two. This is due to my ongoing participation in RTÉ Storyland. Storyland is a web-based competition, run by RTÉ, for aspiring film makers in Ireland. This year, ThanklessFilms, our film company, managed to get into the mix with our very own mini series- Rent a Friend.

Rent a Friend is the story of two young men, Dave and Der, who decide to set up a business renting themselves out as friends. The idea is scantly based on Dave Minogue (Director and Writer) and I (Actor and Writer) trying to set up our own business last year. Scantly. So far we've managed to make two episodes but are counting on public votes to make more..

I would really appreciate your help in this endeavour.